For Small Businesses, Nonprofits, & Startups

We provide a wide range of custom projects to help your organization grow and flourish

Our Services

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Our team has experience in both philanthropic and venture fundraising. We take an innovative approach to raising capital through our specialty of design and storytelling to make your organization truly stand out. For organizations, we help with:

  • Impact Reports

  • Grant Writing

  • Business Plans & Pitch Decks

  • Fundraising Campaigns

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Rebrand & Storytelling

It’s now just what you do, it’s how you communicate it and put yourself out there!

Our team has industry experience in rebranding and storytelling, anywhere from pitching your story to giving TED Talks. We help with:

  • Brand Strategy & Messaging

  • Competitive Analysis & Brand Audit

  • Launch Plans


Website Development

Anyone can make a website nowadays but creating one that is effective by design is always a challenge. Through our innovative and thoughtful design framework, our team has helped organizations their website traffic and make it easy to consistently manage and maintain even beyond our time working with you. We support through

  • Website development

  • SEO optimization

  • Marketing analytics

  • 2-hour training course to help you manage your site

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Marketing Strategy

We are fanatical about marketing! We take a user-centered approach to marketing to help you meet your customers where they are and help you scale as effectively and efficiently as possible. We provide support with executing the following but are not limited to:

  • SEO Optimization

  • Social Media Strategy & Content Creation

  • Ghostwriting

  • Video Marketing

  • Email Marketing & Newsletters

  • Marketing Roadmaps


Business Strategy & Operations

Our team has tremendous experience in strategy and operations at the corporate, venture, civic, foundation, nonprofit, startup, and small business levels. We can do it all. We’ve helped with several customized projects dependent on organizations’ needs. Some of our work has included creating or optimizing new processes including:

  • Management Consulting

  • HR & Administrative Processes

  • Project Roadmap Development

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